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So how do you pass save files from, for example, the .22 version to the .23?

Or an easier question: where can I find the save files?

open the paccsu 0.22 folder->open the www folder->open the save folder->open the same folders for paccsu 0.23->drag your most recent save file from paccsu 0.22 and put it into 0.23's save folder->wait a little bit, and it should be good!

is it possible to get a safe file from other website and import it in downloaded version, because i dont want to loose all my collected items and also replay whole thing, also love your game hope to see namu and kiva in action with dildo, love your work and hope to see more in the future!


I am not 100% sure because someone else made the website version of the game... but I imagine the files are located somewhere in your computer. Which browser are you using?

its google chrome, honestly i have no idea where to look for those save files, hope u have an idea 


try looking the save files in here. "C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage". This is what google tells me anyway.

(1 edit)

Hello im wondering if i can get some help. I downloaded the game files but whenever i click them it just says a separate app is needed.

The game is for PC Windows only, at the moment. The browser and the Android versions are not done by me, they are done people who I don't even know.

Well damn, you should send Namu and her friends after them!


Update for my game...I officially made Namu, Kiva, and Purnima too powerful for any monsters. I now have to defend to be able to let the monsters do the scenes XDDD. Love the game though! Can't wait for the next update!


I really love this game and it’s art style. I’m not gonna lie, this is the best nsfw rpg game I’ve played to date because of the sheer amount of content. I love the option to play it as an sfw rpg with the “Lewd Immunity” spell, and while it does have a generic battle system that is pretty easy to abuse, in all honesty, it’s just a fun little adventure nonetheless to relax with. 

I think I’ve encountered a glitch, however. I’m about 3 hours into the main story and my objective is to travel to Mainio and have a talk with the nobles. But after my first time interacting with the guard at the main gate of Mainio, I remembered that one of my party members was incapacitated. I traveled back to an inn, slept, came back to the Mainio main gate and... I can’t talk to the guard like the other one in the previous camp who wishes me luck.

I’m not really opposed to starting the adventure over because I’m only 3 hours in, but I’m not really sure how to solve this or what caused it. When I click or press z to talk to the guard, nothing happens! I’ll have to save differently in the future I guess. Any advice?


Woops, that's embarrassing, looks like I forgot to add a command for the guard to move. The guard disappears after you've talked with the Emperor, I didn't even consider the possibility that people would backtrack from the gate - which makes me a bit dumb. Sorry about that! It will be fixed in the next version!

Are there any plans for vore in this game/is there any vore? Asking because of the abundance of snake and slime girls. Also are there game over scenes for losing to certain bosses?


Not sure about vore, because personally I don't like that fetish very much - so that is a huge maybe for now... Boss-based game over scenes are coming, some day :D I have only made one special game over scene and that is for the Undead, so I am still far off.


Awesome, thanks!


I gotta say a few words about this game. I love Paccsu because there is just many things that makes it fun!

-Immersive story

-Loveable characters

-Funny moments

-Yes the scenes in general too

The scenes are amazing, and fun to just watch over and over. I do hope in later updates it would be fun to see:

-More scenes

-New monsters

I think it would be cool to see another playable character appear too! I was wondering if there will be other stuff coming after the Undying King is fully destroyed or would the game be fully complete?

I am considering about donating to your patreon to help keep the game going because you make this game so much fun! I can't imagine how much work it is to make all the animations and such!

This game gives me a ton of motivation to wanna try to make an rpg game in the future! I love the game and thank you for making such an awesome game! Cant wait to see what else is in store in future updates! 

If people are wondering if this game would be worth it to is! Play it for yourself and you will see how much fun it is! Again, thank you for making an awesome game and keep up the good work! :D


Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you like the game! There will be stuff to do after the main quest - I don't know what kind of stuff yet I haven't planned that far ahead :D

Sweet! I could give ideas? I don't know how good they would be but I could try my best xD


Sure, ideas are welcome!


I want to say I apologize for the super long suggestion post, I will probably make more posts here for new ideas if you want me to! Hope these ideas help! 

Here is my best shot for ideas (may not be the best):

-More fight scenes in the arena:

1. Tentacle Monsters:

A. Much bigger:

-More cum

-Cum covering her body

B. More in scenes:

-Tentacle gang-bang

-More deep throating

C. More brutal?: (if that makes sense)

-Spanking while fucking?

-Tentacles moving through her ass and mouth then clumping up in her stomach?

2. Clan Mus'tah:

A. More black ooze tentacles in scenes

B. Futa opponents

C. Clan Mus'tah minions? They are like the breast sucking tentacles and do that same thing

D. Clan Mus'tah clone of Namu?

3. Zombies:

A. More powerful giant zombies:

-Deep throat


-Stroke the cock with her breasts?

B. Futa zombies:

-Deep throat


-Stroke the futa cock with her breasts?

C. Friends: (This is an iffy suggestion)

A. The ones control the arena and notice Namu's friends, so they make her fight them?

::Main Quest after The Undying King is defeated::

-Clan Mus'tah Invasion:

A. Kau'punki gets the first invasion while Namu and her friends are fighting The Undying King

B. When Namu and her friends get back Mainio is invaded

C. Kulma'la gets invaded as Namu and her friends go to save Mainio

D. Mainio is the first to be saved, then Kau'punki gets saved, and when heading towards Kulma'la, Namu and her friends stop by the Bewb-Tec Facility because Clan Mus'tah is trying to use the robots for aid in the invasion

E. After saving Kulma'la, the remaining inhabitants of the clan take Kiva back to their hide-out. They manage to cover Kiva in black ooze and use her against Namu and Purnima, basically like a boss fight. Once Corrupt Kiva is defeated, Clan Mus'tah stays in their hideout, and doesn't try another invasion? Until later...

F. The new leader of Clan Mus'tah sees the power in Namu and her friends and creates more brutal ooze monsters that can be used to destroy Namu and her friend's bodies?


A. A woman arrives from a land called Zuhma'la, a place mainly known for it's use of magic. She came for help because a futa witch has swarmed the land with magic monsters, tentacles, etc

B. When Namu and her friends arrive Namu comes to a small port town of Cital'a, which includes weapons, magic, and such like that to add more weapons in the future

C. From there the are four places, two towns, and one capital. Namu and her friends start in a town of Nula'tia. The magical monsters Namu and her friends face are just like the other monsters just more magical looking (if that makes sense)

D. Next, Namu and her friends go to another town of Tita'Muha, but each town they further go to, there are more monsters, and more brutal sex scenes

E. The capital is Wanda'kia, after saving them and defeating three magical bosses just like the zombie invasion of Mainio, you get support to head towards the Magical Forest where the witch resides. This is where the monsters get the most tough and fuck the three the most. 

F. Once the witch is defeated there will be side missions able to be posted inside the city of Wanda'kia for Namu and her friends to explore?

I will make another post if you want of side missions for these two new quests and such! I again am sorry for the super long post XD hope these help give ideas! 


Thanks a lot! Those are fine suggestions... I like em! I like the idea of Zuhma'la too XD.

I am wondering if you have considered adding like some cheats like some other games do?

It has crossed my mind but it's quite easy to use saveeditonline and cheat that way.


ive never heard of that before

(+1), where you can upload your own save and edit it, like for example, increase the money you have.

I highly doubt u would respond here or not but I really wish there was more oral and boobie scenes in it plus I wish Kiva had nipple piercings or u had more girls with nipple piercings more girls in general getting the fun tentacle treatment with tentacles but it wouldn’t happen nor would u like the fact that I said this yes also being rude too push something like this on someone in a rude manner but it’s just my thoughts and personal preference but either way enjoy your self

I'm all up for boobs!

Nipple piercings is my big thing tho too but boobies Number one on my list And again tho I do enjoy the anal too But Kiva with nipple piercings is already hehe driving me wild anyways nice works


Love the game so far! Is there a way to redo boss fights? I want to 100% the gallery


There is no way to fight them again - but the issue of bosses not unlocking their scenes when you defeat them is fixed in the next update!

Glad I'm a supporter then!

Deleted 4 years ago

Hmm. Files shouldn't just disappear like that... Did you download the game from here or are you playing a browser version?

i downloaded it from here

do i need to download the changelog and encryption key?

You don't need to download the changelog or the key if the game itself is working fine. - This is the first time I hear about such a problem, I have no idea what would cause this, sorry!

I do apologize! I just checked it, and i thought i had bought the game from here but i guess i didnt lol but i just got it from here now


Kind of wish she had a D. 

El juego se encuentra traducido completo al español. Bueno por lo menos la versión 0.22. Todos los créditos del creador del juego y del parche al final de la pagina. Traduccion al español

so is it possible for you to port the game to android

Android version is not ported by me, but it can be found in the f95zone thread.

Where do i find the other follower aside from Kiva?

Just keep playing and you'll run into her eventually.


But serious note , really love this game so fun, but do u think that you maybe that there can be more lewd interactions with the people in the city. I dont know why i just feel that will add more content into game, with as well making like events and bars as such longer than more than a 1 time event. I just like the thought of more interaction in the citys. 

But beside that LOVE the game keep up the good work <3  ;P

Im in the bewbtek lab dungeon need the lvl 2 engineer key, been to the small room but didnt get it, got the lvl 2 master key 

game glitched ?

Wait Im an Idiot, didnt follow the evil villian rule #1, PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON

So quick question how do I get the one treasure chest on the right side of the yellow flame on the island

Who do I give the mouse burger to?!

You give it to Lehava at her special shop. At the beginning of the dungeon there is a locked gate, you can find her in there.

Thanks fam

Ever consider more exotic fetishes? Like Farts, Beastiality, Mind breaking and such? Of course toggleable for the more bizarre ones but, I know people love these things me included, regardless this is an AMAZING game and I am definitely looking forward to buying it after I finish the Demo!

Farts and scat are not really my thing so you won't be seeing those in the game... Same goes for gore and any kind of blood. And as for mindbreaking and other things - I have considered some but you probably won't see such fetishes in the game for a while.


Totally understandable! Regardless it's still an amazing game

Tbh I would love Beastiality as it's pretty hot too see a woman get pounded by an animal

(1 edit) (+1)

Strapped I must stay, or clapped I will be (Love the game by the way)


So far very Pleased with this demo as far as I'm concerned worth every penny and more. Looking forward to the future Although I do have some thoughts. I apologize If this has already been discussed in previous posts. I understand That making Animated and CG scenes for every encounter would be a bit much. So my thoughts are maybe perhaps just going along the line of pictures. Just like pictures to the sides here as a addition to the gallery especially when it comes to some of the mini bosses and bosses that have no scenes.


It's me again, y'now i lost the game before in a reboot to my pc, i will download it again
Im glad about the reviews and that things for the game, haha
I still wishin u luck

Is funny how i ignore the hentai and i play more for the laughs and everything

You should accept help from other persons to make translations for the game
Thanks again for this game zem

(1 edit) (+1)

I hast done a play through of this game, and now I wish to share mine thoughts on it. Also sorry if this is a bit long.

Le game-play: Early on is where I feel that the game is at it's strongest, where you barely had anything to work with. And I eagerly searched the first dungeon for anything that'd save me from getting quite literally ass stomped by the first boss. I liked the fact that it rewarded me for going the extra mile and exploring around.

Later into the game however, I started to feel rather underwhelmed. Mainly due to how overpowered I started to feel, it was probably because of my play-style consisting of stacking whatever gave Namu the highest damage and or magical damage. But it resulted in me beating bosses in little under two turns. It felt less like a journey of powering up for the boss fight, and more of just getting to said boss fight.

Le writing: As far as hentai games go, the writing is pretty decent. The game has it's own bit of humor, mainly in the item descriptions that I'm pretty sure is what Namu herself thinks most of the time.

Everything else is pretty standard honestly, fight demons, run this errand, defeat this baddie, collect this item. But what interested me the most was the quest in the spooky mansion.

I was genuinely pretty spooked by it in it's entirety, with the ghost roaming about. The ghost  roaming about, the notes left about giving a bit of info on what went on. The scenery with made me wonder a bit about what happened. I felt like it could've ended on a high note if not for near the end of this quest. (Minor spoiler warning) one of the people turns out to be alive and asks you to do a task of spookiness.

I felt like the entire spooky mansion would've been more memorable, if instead the ending was more of a final encounter with the ghost. The man himself and the ending felt like it came out of left field, and suddenly end with sunshine and rainbows. But everything before that was pretty spooky feeling.

Le protagonists: I'm gonna arrangement per character.

Namu : Not an entirely bad protagonist, I kinda like her oblivious nature. Everything else is kinda basic, she's a good girl who wants to good things. I feel that she could be made better if she had some more depth to her.

Kiva: I feel like she's the weakest of the group, I mean most of her reactions feel a bit deadpan, and or unfazed sounding. During her initial introduction it felt like she had a personality, but after that it's like she's kinda just there. Other than feeling air headed I can't really think of another personality trait.

Purnima: In terms of writing I feel that she's the strongest of the three, or the polar opposite of Kiva in terms of personality. Where as Kiva feels kinda there and deadpan, Purnima reacts with her own jabs and threats. I kinda like this compared to everyone else's reaction to getting violated.

Finally, Le hentai: Pretty good in my personal opinion, I feel having a bit more of the wobble thrown about could help make everything feel more animated. For example in one of Kiva's butt tentacle animation.

Final thoughts: Despite what I said, Paccsu is a pretty good game, even without the hentai i'd still play it on occasion. As for my hopes, I do see a lot of potential in where this game goes, and certainly do hope that it ascends beyond our mortal realm of hentai .

Thanks for that review!


good game, i had to replay it... pls update <3

Soon, my friend. Soon.

me ofrezco a realizar tradiciones de juegos. puedo pasarlos a español (castellano). 





i am big sad.

(1 edit) (+1)

I was stuck on the burial site's 'strenght' key, finally found it after OVER AN HOUR of looking, thank JESUS!

Deleted 5 years ago

Hey all, Im stuck on the bewbtek lab dungeon. Im at the part where you gotta find a level 2 engineer card and I cant for the life of me find it. Any help guys?

The key is located inside a small room in the upper right corner of the map. There is a safe there. (Level 2)

Ya I followed your advice but i didnt get the lvl 2 engineer car, I got lvl 2 master , I think

Gone through entire map but cant find it.

Game Glitched?

where is the level two engineer key card?

Yo can i get a saves file of the best parts? all my progress was lost. a saves file would be awesome im sure you got one since ur creator of game


i dont mind having to redo a bit but i dont want all my progress to be lost

Just asking about the side quest 

It's about the gohst 

I don't know what to do

Open the underground place

But the 2 red gem

Go up

But the levar use it go ther to the tomepston 

Fight the zombie girl two time 

Idk what else i can do

Use 2 gems for the door, get the key from the box that is inside that room, go to 2. floor and talk to man in one of the rooms, unlock the cage door in 2. floor and get head from vault, go back to tombstone and put head inside.


Sorry for taking your time

And great game btw

Also if you have any another games for free

No problem at all, my time was not wasted... Also this is my only game, sorry. Haha.

I think I found a bug (idk if someone say it before).When you select the sec crowd scene in the gallery you gona get glitched after the scene.

Thank, I'll check it out!

hey i dont know if im just stupid or what but when im trying to download the game after it finishes it wont run and says im missing an app for it 

You don't need anything extra to run the game... Make sure you're playing the game on Windows. Also, if you're playing the Android version; I have nothing to do with it, so I can't really help you with that.


This is the best game!!!

Hey, I've been wanting to ask this for a bit now but, for people who paid for the last version is there away for them to just go ahead and get the next or will we till need to pay for the next version?

You will always have access to the latest version. It's a one-time payment.

(1 edit) it makes me pay for the newest one everytime

Really? The FAQ says this :

"This page has a unique URL for your purchase. You can always re-download the latest files from this page. You should have also received an email with a link to this page. If you ever lose the URL for this page you can request it to be
emailed to you from the support page." So I think you need to use the same URL to download the latest versions.

Also, here! I am 100% sure you don't need to buy every version seperately!

Huh...I guess I'm blind XD

Hey, its me again, im at mainio fighting with the booby snakes
I don't stop thinking that more people should meet the game..
U are a little new here, u need to reach people here and maybe in other places

I am trying reach as many people as I can. :) Hopefully, people will find my gamu.

Aw..I see, i would like to help but i can't..Reaally, good luck
The game always put me a smile in the face, lol

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