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Welp....I lost all of my data, Im fine playing through the game of course though! Didn't take me long so.

Mac version when


I dunno, cuz there is no way for me to test it if it works or not, same with the linux version.

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how about android version :3, bc l use android phone


are you opposed to adding some belly augments? like a preg one or a fatter one in general?

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so I played on a previous version of this and I just bought the latest version how do I transfer my save over?

Edit: nvm I figured it out


Fallout but with THICC women (not only human >:D )... oh and there's THICC robots too.


Will there be another use for the BENIS module in the future?

The game was both well made and fun, some of the interactions were so stupid it was glorious. Would have been better if A.I.D.A. would be more "special" in the world regarding thiccness/curves and especially the female humans you meet are just.. strange..


Guys can anyone share with me with save log plz?
I had lvl 23 and Roxan. Accidently deleted A.I.D.A. folder instead AIDA 64 on my desktop. Plz

When I get to that point and if I figure out how, sure

if you tell me how to do it, I will, I got to that point and saved, so I'll be waiting for your instructions

Hello! I really love the game! I'm playing it on my android phone and I figured out that having 2 fingers tap the screen to open the menu and back out of it. But at the bottom of the animation loop, it says "hold x to continue" but I can't figure out how to end the loop.

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Please added femboy to the game I begging you

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Hey quick question. Is there a memory room similar to paccsu? If so, where can I find it? :>

An item in your inventory, Important Items section - Memory Bank, I believe. Use it again to leave.

Is it available to me right at the begining or do I have to find it some where?

Started a new game to check. It should be available to you right when you're able to control Aida. To be specific, it's called "A.I.D.A Memory Bank" with a pink and white symbol.

How can I save the game because every time I save and close the game and open it later there is nothing I saved

It sounds like you are starting the game from the .zip archive. You need to extract the game to your pc first.

Zem, how big will the next update be? There have been no posts or news for months, I hope you are well. Looking forward to the update. Is there a server in discord? 

Next update will be up on christmas. There is a discord server but it's patreon only.

How he saved krissi from being kidnapped? I can't do it

i hit a dead end. wont let me talk to amber in her store. anybody got any solutions?

you need to click the wall in front of her not on her character


Are you gonning make more version's?

I have a question, where can I find Roxanne? I looked everywhere for her and still couldn’t find her. I apologize for being dumb lol

after beating the raider leader go south and find a crate with a dead body next to it. it will start a quest that will lead you to her.

hey so I stopped playing for a bit and completely forgot where that is. I’m sorry if it’s a lot to ask but can you please give instructions? Like simple instructions. Ex: first you leave Armageddon city into blah blah. Thank you.


thank you so much! I just wanted to say that I enjoy your game so much!!

Unironically fun game even without the lewd scenes. Real powerups when leveling and exploring but that aside, the lewd stuff is well-animated and drawn. Great job Zem!

+ I love the addition of the Benis model and it's what got me to try the game in the first place. Upon trying it I found out the base AIDA scenes are really good as well

Will the 5.99 version be free once the next version releases?


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Hey zem quick question is there a way to fight the smiler boss a 2nd time even after you leave the backrooms if not its ok

Nah  sorry, you have to fight the smiler before getting the key.

Shucks well I don't have a save for it but hey it's fine


Just curious but were you ever gonna release this on steam?


I'll put this one on steam when the game is close to finishing!

Put the other one too :( I will buy them both again.

Does anyone know how I find the secret of vault 64? I've completed the quest and shut down the clone facility but I still havent found the 'secret' 

Maybe try opening all the terminals and clicking on the text? That's progressed some quests for me

is there any guide for the photos?

a way to add the valentina quest for players that cant/didnt save her before mean city is to basically just have her be there the same way but have her be confused about there being a turf battle as im sure she would have heard about it while tied up, and A.I.D.A can say that she handled it, thus allowing players to still do the side quest even after completing the game instead of having to go older saves


Hey Zem how do you like the idea to make XXL benis mod?)

Deleted 116 days ago
Deleted 116 days ago

Now imagine how much time it will take to realize this idea, how many sprites and H scenes will have to be redrawn.

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It was a bad idea anyways- I decided to just delete it because I really don't like being bothersome.

Will there ever be an android version?


Can anyone help me how do I get Jenni's video log 1?


VIP section in the club at armageddon city


thanks now I've completed all lewd scenes

In the next update please let us have romantical, wholesome sex with Roxanne, and also let us form a actual romantical relationship with her

I have a question, where can I find stuff for my arms, head and legs?

Also where do I find Daisy's photo?


There's nothing for the arms yet. There is LAZER Module (head) in Vault 64, and you can get  a leg upgrade from Jenni (She will contact you when it's time)

The new quest doesnt show up for me somehow, i did every quest before, do i have to talk to Valentina? If yes can somone tell me where she is located?

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the quest only works if you saved valentina before going to mean city center and solving the turf battle thing

Is this coming to steam?

Thanks for your great updates and I look forward to your next updates Thanks for your games


is there a wlkthrough somewhere I'm confused on a few things like the water tower and pre-war factory

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water tower is nothing and pre war factory will open later in the stor

The game is wonderful. 

Are you thinking about creating an account on the Boosty platform? This is an alternative to Patreon for other countries. For example, PayPal and Patreon don't work for me.

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hope, femboy character should be make it to the game in the next update

can someone help me there is a new update of the game but idk how to get my saves to the new version


Copy your "save" folder into the new one.

А будет внедрён второй напарник, как это было с Пурниной из paccsu?

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Мне кажется что нет. Если в paccsu во время боя мы видели спрайт каждого персонажа отдельно, во время его действий, то в аиде общий спрайт персонажей. На нем и так нет места под 2 компаньена. Я тоже думал о пополнении в команде гг, и вот что я придумал(чистое имхо):

1. На общем спрайт место только под лежачего персонажа, ака снайпер с винтовой или что то подобное. Да и думаю что персонаж стоящий между аидой и рокси будет выгледить страно, да и не особо его видно будет. 

2. Это должен быть не человек(хотя я  бы не отказался от девки из ордена,после битвы её шлем можно найти в пустыне и сним нет взаимодействия что может быть намёком, скорее всего на квест с её участием), слишком бонально + наше пати ходит в места где полно радиаци, у гг и роксаны есть логическое обоснование сопротивления к ней.

Хотя о какой логике идёт речь, мы играем в порно породию. Здесь может быть все что придёт автору в голову. Хотя мне нравится его подход к разработке. Увлекательный сюжет, прокачка, ебля всего и все, что нужно ещё для счастья. 

Вух, сори за тонну текста, кратко я немогу.(да и за орфографию)


May I ask how to find all the data images in the underground passage.

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